Tuesday, January 18, 2011

IMECCTrust-Holy Crescent Nursery & Primary School Vellore

IMECCTrust- is in the process of establishing a "Grass root" school in Vellore in a predominantly underprivileged settlement of 350 households. With no schools nearby the children of the area do not think about education.
IMECCTrust- in collaboration with Masjid E Mohammadiya, Infantry Road would like to develop the school to provide basic education upto Primary Level. The school will concentrate on "Girls Education" while a small percentage will be provided to boys aswell. Presently we plan to have 80:20 ratio.
Children will be given moral lessons and build their conduct and character apart from "Class" education to the downtrodden children.
The Foundation Stone ceremony is likely to be held on 1st Feb.2011 by Justice MAS Siddiqui Chairman NCMEI New Delhi and Dr Shabistan Gaffar Chairperson Committee on Girls Education, NCMEI GOI.
Jaffer AA Khan

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